Ordinarily I keep politics and religion out of the blog. Neither are subjects I prefer, apart from brief forays into news photography, as when I covered a Tea Party rally and a May Day rally. This anniversary is different. This time we have ethnic tensions and an angry populace. Little to no effort to understand the people.Yet look at the efforts we make to understand the cosmos.
This image is a solar telescope. We met the men who work there had a nice talk.
The theme today is Fire To Renewal
Today was a day of deliberate meditation and contemplation for me and my wife. As I have said, my church has no walls nor roof. I simply choose a place of beauty to think, meditate and relax. Today I chose high ground, at Mt Wilson. Due to road closures the best route was through Big Tujunga Canyon, the victim of the deadly Station Fire about a year ago.
The route goes through countless miles of ashed and charcoal forest and then transitions from burnt and bleak to beautiful and regrowing. I like the inadvertent metaphor the day just happened to provide.

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